четвъртък, 5 март 2015 г.

Покана за конференция: 3rd ESTIDIA Conference Dialogue as Global Action: Interacting Voices and Visions across Cultures

The 2015 ESTIDIA conference will be hosted by ‘Ovidius’ University, Constanţa, Romania University website: http://www.univ-ovidius.ro/

Authors are invited to present papers on a broad spectrum of research topics (both discipline-specific and multi-disciplinary) that include, but are not restricted to the following:
- Glocal voices in inclusive or exclusive dialogues
 - Multiple voices crisscrossing in online dialogue
- Voicing viewpoints in multimodal communication
- Dialogue genres in multi-party interactions (debates, disputes, controversies)
- Voices in dialogue across time and space
- Converging vs. diverging voices in dialogue
- Gendering voices in public and/or private dialogue
- Voices shaping inter-ethnic dialogue
- Voices interacting in cross-cultural dialogue
- Voices that clash, dialogues that break down
 - Voices in institutional and non-institutional dialogue
- Inclusive vs. non-inclusive dialogue across cultures and continents
- Public and private voices in sustained dialogue
- Face-to-face and/or virtual trust-building dialogues
- Speaker roles vs. listener roles in dialogic interactions
- Competing and collaborative voices in dialogue
 - Legitimizing and delegitimizing voices in dialogue
- Polyphony of voices in harmonious or disharmonious dialogue
 - Intertextuality in multi-voiced dialogue

Important Dates:
- Submission of abstracts March 29, 2015
 - Submission of workshop proposals April 10, 2015
- Notification of acceptance April 26, 2015
- Registration (early bird) July 31, 2015

 All accepted papers (following editorial review) will be included in the conference proceedings published in International Journal of Cross-cultural Studies and Environmental Communication (ISSN 2285 – 3324). Authors of selected high quality papers will be invited to submit their papers for publication in Special Issues and regular issues of relevant high-impact international academic journals.

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