От 3 до 5 октомври бях на конференция в Бари, Италия. Домакин беше Университетът "Алдо Моро".
Това е втората конференция на ESTIDIA на тема: Dialogue-driven Change in the Public Sphere.
Тя се проведе под патронажа на Mrs. Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
В конференцията взеха участие представители на 22 университета от 14 страни.
Моят доклад беше на тема: The Education
Public Discussions and Social Change in Bulgaria
Ressume: The report is an
attempt to present the practices in Bulgaria to implement social
change through education reform and new legislation in the education
The first aim is to investigate
the connection between theoretical research, scientific publications,
teachers, educational management, on the one hand, and the
administrators in the Ministry of Education and political
decision-makers, on the other hand.
The second aim is to make an
overview of the main topics of discussions related to social reforms
in the education sector during the last 25 years.
The education
system is a conservative social structure and it is difficult to
change and generally seeks to preserve the status quo. Is this really
true or is one of the myths circulated to withhold attempts to
modernize and improve? Let's look back and see what has changed in
the Bulgarian school in the last 25 years?
Before 1989 in
Bulgaria the educational system was highly centralized and
hierarchical, as well as this current practice at present. Two years
after the transition - in 1991 is considered a new Education Act
which suffered a 28 amendments to 01.01.2012.
For twenty years, we make more than one change per year. Since 1999
we have an special Act for level of Education, General Education
Minimum and Curriculum [2],
who also suffered a decade nine amendments.
justification of the reforms carried out by the National Institute of
Education which was a part of the Ministry of Education. After the
democratic change the education management began to be realized as a
product of a political aim but not as a result of scientific
approaches. This effectively led to the closure of the institute. At
the same time the education experts understand that is necessarily
the complex educational policies conducted by the Ministry of
Education. Most experts in the Ministry of Education have changed
The Bulgarian
politicians try to establish legal documents, they write strategies,
concepts and national programs. The recent National
development program concerning the school and pre-school education
was adopted by the National Assembly in 2006 and the deadline is
2015. This program has an ambition to implement the reform of the
education system; to change the philosophy of the reform as well as
it has the aim to start structural modification. The program is a
result of some strategies and conceptions but the real effects are
reduced. Every new minister prefers to edit last law [4]
or to present new law for adoption by the National Assembly. The
brief overview of the Bulgarian education legislation is necessary
because the framework establishes social opportunities and the legal
base is very important to finalize the change and innovation in the
Bulgarian schools.
Simultaneously with internal
conditions relating to the entry of Bulgaria into the European Union
education legislation could be synchronized with the European norms
and Bulgaria is governed by EU directives and to be included in
international initiatives, many of which are aimed at improve the
quality of education. As already mentioned for reform and change
talks in four years and the goal is relatively constant - improving
access to education and increased its quality. Unfortunately the
reforms are quite controversial and most teachers and principals are
afraid of any change and innovation, they have the assumption that
the reform is not a way for obtaining positive results and that the
disadvantages will be more numerous. The Ministry of Education
initiates the programs and reforms and managed them. The degree of
consideration and planning of the idea is a part of the obligations
of the same management body. These characteristics clearly outline
the difficulties to implement innovative changes in the Bulgarian
education system, the strong centralization in the management and
stiffness regulation.
It is well known
that every innovation creates resistance. The resistance could be
reduced if the teachers and education managers receive permanently
sufficient information in connection with the reforms and changes.
Another possibility is the involvement of teachers, directors and
education experts in the design and implementation of innovations.
The third possibility has connection with the discussion about the
negative results on the potentially affected persons and
Закон за
народната просвета. Обн.
ДВ, бр. 86 от 18.10.1991 г и посл. изменения
за степента, общообразователния минимум
и учебния план. Обн.
бр. 67 от 27.07.1999 г. и последв. изменения.
Проект на
Закон за предучилищното и училищното
Я. Образователните иновации и съвременното
българско образование. В сб.:
и интерактивни технологии в образованието,
С., 2012, стр. 5-10